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Email marketing is a powerful digital marketing strategy that involves sending emails to prospects and customers. Effective email marketing can convert prospects into customers and turn one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans.


Types Of Emails

The type of opt-in email you choose depends on your specific call-to-action. For instance, an email designed to build brand loyalty differs from an EDM (electronic direct mail) that features a promotional offer with a deadline or aims to drive product purchases.

Advantages of Email Marketing

With opt-in email marketing, you can quickly send out marketing messages within a few hours, allowing you to take advantage of short-term offers. This approach also enables you to send personalized communications, such as addressing customers by name and tailoring emails to include relevant products and services. These personalized touches enhance the customer experience and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Benefit Of Email Marketing

Campaign Statistics

Opt-in email campaigns provide detailed tracking data, including metrics such as how many people opened your email and took action. You can also see information about the device used and the time it was viewed. This data is crucial for measuring your return on investment.

Legal data use

Buzzsaw ensures compliance with spam laws and privacy regulations by sending emails on behalf of our clients rather than sharing email addresses and personal information. Additionally, we regularly update our data by cross-referencing it with opt-in lists and the Do Not Call Register (DNCR) to maximize the effectiveness of our email campaigns. For more details, please visit our privacy page.

Individual Marketing Mediums Pricing
Volume Email SMS
1-50,000 $0.25 $0.20
2-50,000 To 100,000 $0.23 $0.18
3-100001 To 200,000 $0.21 $0.16
4-200,001 To 500,000 $0.19 $0.14
5-500,000+ $0.17 $0.12
Set Up/Admin Fee $350
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